Contribution Submission


Invited talks:
   with length of 20 min (+10 min for discussion). 

Oral presentations:
   with a length of 10 min (+  5 min for discussion) 

   poster dimensions should be 120 x 90 cm.


The SOC wishes to remind you that an important criterion for an oral and poster presentations is to address one or more of the specific aims (topics) given for this meeting. 

For all kinds of presentations, please submit the abstract before April 1, 2003 as an e-mail attachment to: (please use this address only for contribution submission), following the style instructions below stated .
After your abstract is received, a confirmation by email will be sent. If no acknowledgment is received in a reasonable period of time, please contact us again. Abstracts received after April 1 can not be considered for oral presentation, they can be accepted just for poster presentation and it is not guaranteed to be published on the abstract book.  

Proceedings will be published and mailed to all participants as soon as possible. Authors are requested to submit their final paper, also as an e-mail attachment to the same address:  The deadline for submission is July 1, 2003.  See the style instructions below:


The typesetting procedure used for the abstracts and procedings books requires that contributions should be submitted as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word document (up to Word97) or plain ASCII text. For abstract submission, provide, in the body of the e-mail, the following informations:

- The name of the person who will give the presentation
- The full address of the corresponding author
- The preference for an oral or poster presentation

For MS Word: do not use custom word macros.
Use 3 cm margins left, right, top and  bottom on A4.
Use Times New Roman and single line spacing, following th
is template format:


                                              SIZE, BOLD. CENTERED

    leave 1 blank line
                              Type (10 point size), centered,  the author names. The name 
                                                   of the reporting author should be underlined. 

    leave 1 blank line
Type (10 point size) Affiliations. Centered.
    leave 1 blank line
     Type main text  (10 point size). Do not leave blank lines between text paragraphs  ..........................


The abstract length should not exceed 400 words.
Please, note that the deadline for submission the abstract is April 1, 2003  

Full-lenght contributions:
The full-length contributions should be written according the common rules for scientific publications.
Please submit the entire article as a single file, only including the table and figure legends, refered as "Figure(n)" or "Table(n)" but excluding the pictures themselves.  Pictures should be supplied separatelly in JPG or GIF file formats, named as they are refered on the legend.
Please, note that the deadline for submission the article is July 1, 2003.