
The Scientific and Local Organizing Committee have planned the following programme:

From evening of April 30, 2003 to May 1, at 12:00

Arrivals at Mallorca airport and free shuttle to the hotel in Port Alcudia. 

May 1, Thursday

13:00 - Welcome reception and official opening:
              Wellcome address by LOC chairman:  Salvador Sanchez
           Wellcome address by the President of the Consell of Mallorca: Exc. Sra. Maria Antònia 
              Munar i Riutort

13:30 - Welcome cocktail and lunch

16:00 - Invited talk:  
           16:00 - Giovanni B. Valsecchi: Close encounters between NEAs and the Earth
16:40 - Talks 1:
           16.40 - Mark R. Kidger: The 2002/2003 apparition of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
           17.00 - Jure Skvarc: Astrovirtel and search for trojans of outer planets
           17.20 - Gerardo Avila: Low resolution comet spectroscopy and the new echelle high 
                      resolution spectrograph project developed by caos - oam

17:40 - Cofee Break

18:00 - Talks 2:
           18.00 - Andrea Boattini: Search efforts: a quick overview of Cineos and ESO-La Silla 
           18.20 - Mike Kletlow:  
           18.40 - Gerardo Avila:  Optical design and features of the new three 60 cms Klevtsov 
                      telescopes of the observatory of Mallorca
           19.00 - Marcos Rincon: Comets: origin and evolution
           19:20 - Jonathan Shanklin: The British Astronomical Association Comet Section
21:00 - Dinner - Video projection: MACE 2002, pictures and farewell dinner!

May 2, Friday

09:00 - Transport from the hotel to the meeting room

09:45 - Invited talk:
           09:45 - Andrea Milani: Very short arc orbit determination
10:30 - Talks 3:
           10.30 - Mark R. Kidger: 153P/Ikeya-Zhang and the comet of Hevelius
           10.50 - Juraj Toth: Possible detection of close approaches of very small Near Earth 
           11.10 - Maite Merino: Transformation of the Baker-Nunn camera of San Fernando

11:30 - Cofee break

11:40 - Talks 4:
           11.40 - Jure Skvarc: Current developments of astrometric software fitsblink
           12.00 - Andrea Boattini: The Spaceguard Central Node
12.20 - Herbert Raab: A quick look at some new star catalogs
           12.40 - Herman Mikuz: First results with the new 60-cm robotic telescope at crni vrh
           13.00 - Korado Korlevic: Problems with the HOC (hierarchical observing protocol) and 
                      Vaisala - some examples from the Visnjan observatory

13:30 - Wine tasting and Lunch

16:30 - Visit to the observatory of Mallorca and the Planetarium
17:30 - Audio-visual at the planetarium:  observing tools at the Obs. of Mallorca
18:30 - Round table: observing and data processing tools

20:00 - Dinner

21:30 - Observing session
01:00 - Shuttle to hotels every hour

May 3, Saturday

10:00 - Transport from hotels to the meeting room

10:45 - Invited talk:
           10:45 - Jordi Llorca: Reflectance spectroscopy and the chemical and physical
                      properties of asteroids
11:15 - Talks 5:
           11.15 - Konrad Dennerl: Comets in a new light: what their X-ray emission reveals
           11.35 - Richard Miles: Johnson V-band photometry of minor planets based on the 
                      catalog: An observing methodology for determining accurate magnitude - phase 
                      angle parameters

           11.55 - Mark R. Kidger: Amateur ccd photometry of comets: how to standarise data 
           12.15 - Gyula Szabo: Launching CARA the cometary archieve for amateur astronomers 
           12.35 - Mike Kletlow.  

13:30 - Lunch
16:00 - Excursion - Valldemossa and Serra de Tramuntana
                           Piano concert with music by Chopin.

21:00 - Closing Dinner - Fiesta!

May 4, Sunday

Departures. Shuttles from hotels to the airport of Mallorca.
Possibly half day excursion to Palma, for participants departuring Sunday evening.