Supporting Organizations: 
Gruppo Italiano Astrometristi  Spaceguard
NEODyS Univ. Pisa G.d'Estudis Astronomics Spaceguard Foundation  FG Kleine Planeten VdS

Supported by:
  Consell  de   Mallorca Govern de les Illes Balears   Ajuntament
   de Costitx
   Conselleria de d'Innovació i Energia
During the first MACE2002 held last year in Visnjan, Croatia, where  observers, orbit computers and other people involved of 13 different countries shared an interesting scientific programme and enjoyed a wonderful social plan,  some ideas concerning the role of the european minor planet research future were discussed and some objectives were established. With the purpose of continuing the line drawn those days and for improving and searching for new goals, we have the pleasure of announcing the new MACE 2003 edition that will be held at OAM - Mallorca Observatory, in Mallorca island, on the Mediterranean sea, Spain, during the next  May 1-4,  2003.  
                           We look forward to seeing you in Mallorca !

Yours sincerely       
                                          Salvador Sanchez
                         On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee



To continue and improve the relations and the established projects.
- To connect to other observers over borders and language barriers.
- To improve the technology and techniques of observing.
- To search for goals of small observatories in the future.


The scientific programme will include invited, contributed talks and posters.  
The topics that will be covered at MACE 2003 include:

- Projects and scientific results on minor planets.
- Advances in telescope design.
- Observing methods and future projects for small observatories. 
- Robotic and remote observation and tools for reduction data. 
  Also some observational and data reduction "live" sessions are planned.  


Luciano Bittesini   (Farra d'Isonzo Observatory) Italy
Korado Korlevic   (Visnjan Observatory) Croatia
Stephen Laurie   (Church Stretton Observatory) England
Jaime Nomen   (OAM-Mallorca & Ametlla de Mar Observatories) Spain
Petr Pravec   (Ondrejov Observatory) Czech R.
Herbert Raab   (Linz Observatory)  Austria
Jure Skvarc   (Crni vrh Observatory) Slovenia
Stefano Sposetti   (Gnosca Observatory) Switzerland
Reiner Stoss   (Starkenburg Observatory) Germany
Juraj Toth   (Modra Observatory) Slovakia


Oscar Arratia   (NEODyS team) Spain
Manolo Blasco   (OAM-Mallorca Observatory) Spain
Vadim Burwitz   (Max Planck institute & OAM-Mallorca Observatory)
Antonio Garcia   (OAM-Mallorca Observatory) Spain
Joan Guarro   (OAM-Mallorca & Piera Observatories) Spain
Jose-Luis Ortiz   (Instituto de astrofisica de Andalucia) Spain
Gabriel Pieras   (OAM-Mallorca Observatory) Spain
Juan Rodriguez   (OAM-Mallorca Observatory) Spain
Salvador Sanchez   (OAM-Mallorca Observatory) Spain
Genny Sansaturio   (NEODyS team) Spain


OAM-Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca
Cami del Observatori s/n
Costitx, 07144 Mallorca

Tel:   34-689686557
Fax:  34-971876022


MACE 2003 will be held in the Civic Center  of the village of Costitx, very close to the Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca, however, some observational sessions will take place at the Observatory and the Planetarium.